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Did you know...a dog was instrumental in the invention of Velcro? Join Sarah and Erin this week to learn more about the history of Velcro, while getting an inside look at the "Velcro Pups" that came to the DMV on our last transport!

Episode Resources:

TLBD’s website: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/

TobyKeith: https://www.news4jax.com/features/2022/04/18/21-year-old-florida-dog-recognized-as-oldest-in-the-world/

Velcro (Penn State): https://sites.psu.edu/passion2bernstein/2013/03/14/a-dogs-invention/#:~:text=Velcro%20was%20invented%20by%20a,a%20hike%20through%20the%20mountains

Velcro (Milka Photo): https://dogs-in-history.blogspot.com/2020/09/milka-burrs-and-invention-of-velcro.html

Jasmine’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/jasmine-2

Piper’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/piper

Alejandro’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/alejandro1

**Please Note: Since this episode was recorded, Fiona, Harlie and Vicente have all been adopted!**

More episodes from "Going Mutts with The Little Black Dog Rescue Group"