💪 - Check out The Arete Podcast 💪 - Do you want to start a podcast: https://aretemedia.org/contact 💪 - Visit our website: https://www.aretemedia.org 💪 - Well we've had two episodes of Monday Night Raw on Netflix and they've been spectacular! We know WWE is puling out all the stops for its new home, but you can't deny how great they've been. Plus we saw the debut of Penta and Lyra Valkyria win the first Women's Intercontinental Championship! Plus another prediction of ours came true, WWE and TNA are officially partnering. 💪 - Listen and Support the podcast here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/down-the-middle-podcast 💪 - Listen on Amazon Music: Listen on Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/8c32645b-53c6-42cd-8c1d-cda713f7e0b7/down-the-middle 💪 - Check out XCW Wrestling here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbWhrxy6VPoilpLIp9TaAg/videos #wrestling #prowrestling #aew #wwe #njpw #tna #tnawrestling #stardom #mondaynightraw #smackdown #nxt #cmpunk #netflix #penta #pentaelzeromiedo #zeromiedo #ceromiedo #pentagonjr #lyravalkyria #nxt #sethrollins #samizayn #luchaunderground #chadgable #aew #allelitewrestling #reyfenix
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