Design and Shine podcast

How I Avoided Burnout And Renewed Joy In My Business

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Last year I came very close to experiencing burnout in my surface pattern design business... 

I'd got to the point where things had begun to feel too heavy, hard, and demanding.

Everything seemed to be taking me further and further away from the things that mattered the most to me, from my daily art practice to time with my family. 

When I started to become resentful of my business, that is when I knew I had to take a step back.

And so I did - and what an amazing decision that was! 

I'm excited to be back now for Season 3 of the podcast and am kicking things off by sharing what I've been experiencing over the past year.

Just a few things I cover in this all-new episode are:

  • The biggest lessons I learned over the past year, including low points and highlights
  • Finding healthy boundaries between business and life, and what that can look like
  • Why working 'seasonally' in business is better than a non-stop grind 
  • Finding space for more time to do what you love most - your art!
  • How I not only avoided burnout, I renewed the joy and MAGIC in my business!

Join me for this brand-new season of the Design & Shine podcast if you want to learn how to grow and thrive in your surface pattern design business! 

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