Damn Fine TV podcast

Yellowjackets - Season 1 Episode 7

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This Time on Damn Fine TV…

Make sure you’ve got your bone-that-doesn’t-burn necklace, a cheap bottle of gas station liquor, and an Etsy reject duffle bag, cause we’re diving into the river of blood that is Yellowjackets episode 7 - No Compass. As we explore the woods with a faulty compass, we’re contemplating things like… is Tai’s ancestry connected to wolves? How in the hell did Jackie find Shauna’s journal? What did Shauna mean when she said “we can just sneak out a window” to Natalie? And just where does Adam fall on a scale of annoying to awful? Tune in for all that and more!

Until next time, here's where you can come hang with us...

The Show: Patreon / Instagram

Jasmin: Instagram

Mells: Instagram

Video Editing: Mells

Covered in Glitter: Jasmin

Theme Music Writer: Scott

Theme Music Mixer: Tyler

-J & Mells xo

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