Cowboy Poetry podcast

Virtual Reality

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As we have adjusted to life with coronavirus, we're working under stay-at-home orders and told to do social distancing.

We're told to do everything virtually nowadays. Well, we're doing our best, but Mother Nature will only go so far. This even applies to our veterinarian. Here's a poem I wrote called Virtual Reality.

Due to coronavirus, the vet had changed his ways.

Virtual consultations now filled his practice days.

The health department said to do social distancing,

avoiding personal contact is part of everything.

The vet now worked online, reviewing clients' vaccinations

as they prepared to move cattle to their summer destinations.

Then one old rancher said with a twinkle in his eye,

"Hey Doc, there's something that I've just got to try.

The county says I've got to do everything virtually,

using online or conference calls or Zoom technology.

When I do my daily chores and the cows want to be fed,

I think I'm just going to give them virtual feed instead."

Well, the vet smiled. "You could sure try that somehow,

but in the end, all you'll have will be a virtual cow."

Happy trails.

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