Cooking is Community: The Community Cookbook Podcast podcast

Fish, Flesh and Fowl [Portland, Maine • 1877]

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Our first episode!

On today's podcast we’re talking about "Fish, Flesh and Fowl," the very first community cookbook from Maine, published in 1877 by the Ladies of the State Street Parish in Portland. We’re joined by current members of the State Street Church, Camy Barrantes and Jane Lindquist, and we share the results from cooking a few of the recipes from the book: Bannock, Cabbage Salad, and Queen of Puddings.

In this first episode, we also discuss the three basic pillars of a community cookbook: The book is made by a defined community, the recipes come from within that community, and proceeds benefit a charitable cause. We also talk about the history of recipe writing and formatting, and some of the considerations that would have gone into the creation of a community cookbook.

Thank you for being part of our community!

Special thanks to our guests Camy Barrantes and Jane Lindquist, current members of the State Street Church in Portland, Maine. For more information about the State Street Church, visit

For the recipes from today's episode, visit:

To see images from today's cookbook and photos of the food we made, visit our Instagram feed or Facebook page.


This episode is sponsored by the Maine Bicentennial Community Cookbook.


Hosts: Margaret Hathaway, Karl Schatz, & Don Lindgren

Produced by Karl Schatz & Margaret Hathaway

Edited by Karl Schatz

Music byZiv Grinberg.

Recorded on Riverside. Edited with Descript. Hosted on Simplecast.

More episodes from "Cooking is Community: The Community Cookbook Podcast"