The Kinspirit Podcast podcast

Exploring the Complexity of Relationships and Belonging in a Changing World with Sarah Wildeman of Our Common

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In this episode with Sarah Wildeman of Our Common, we explore the complexity of relationships and our connection to land and place. We discuss how important it is to witness each other honestly, hold space for generative conflict, and allow ourselves to process harms that may occur within our community bonds. We also delve into the ways in which our relationship with the land can teach us new ways of connecting and being together. We hope this episode supports you in your inquiries into interconnectedness and the wisdom of understanding ourselves as part of a whole system, a wider web of relating.

About Sarah Wildeman

Sarah is a leadership & relationship dynamics coach, community-builder, and founder of Our Common - a coaching and consulting practice serving community seekers, community builders, and existing communities. Nearly a decade of community-living, and years of experience working and coaching in complex organizational dynamics, has equipped her to work with people to navigate nuanced relationships with authenticity and courage, empowering individuals and teams to get creative and create lasting change. Her work includes leading community conversation, running a re-villaging group, hosting nature-based retreats, and coaching with leaders, teams, and living-communities.

Sarah grew up in a home focused on hospitality, and mutual-aid, where shared elements of life with friends and neighbours was considered ‘normal’. With her own young-family, she lived in intentional-community for close to a decade - including living on shared land with other singles and families while sharing meals, work, and chores etc. She's spent the last 4 years setting down roots in the BC Okanagan, where she and her family seek to live in alignment with their core-values of environmental stewardship, community-care, and local-impact, through small daily choices.

Sarah brings a collaborative whole-system approach to all her work, making space for collective grappling,  encouraging courageous action, and helping us to remember we're never truly alone.

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