All About Supporting Philanthropy podcast

31 | DEI in Advancement Services

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The many components of our identities connect to form a unique human experience that is examined and explored further in “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Advancement Services – Best Practices for Today’s Success.” Join aasp for a book report and contributing author conversation on this free publication that engages readers through thoughtful delivery, encouraging us to uniquely make good choices. No matter the stage of journey, you’ll feel inspired to ask valuable questions within critical areas of non-profit data services: acquisition, storage and usage. 
  • 00.00 Intro: Where do we start?
  • 01.30 Book review
  • 04.40 Summary on sections
  • 11.50 Closing thoughts
  • 12.40 Contributing authors - Intros
  • 14.55 DEI vs ethics
  • 17.10 Task force structure and action plan
  • 20.00 Giving credit where credit is due
  • 21.15 What is the book – what is it for?
  • 25.45 Owning your data
  • 31.00 Making a contribution
  • 37.30 Valuable surprises 



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