ALEPH - GLOBAL SCRUM TEAM - Agile Coaching. Agile Training and Digital Marketing Certifications podcast

3 Ways to Increase Impressions, Engagement, and Post Clicks on Your LinkedIn Company Page

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LinkedIn is talked about as an underrated platform. Like TikTok, LinkedIn posts can actually go viral. The thing is, you’re not going viral on a platform with all types of users. You’re going viral on a platform where everyone is there to talk about business.

Hi, I’m Cally, from the International Institute of Digital Marketing. Here are 3 effective ways to increase impressions, engagement, and post clicks on LinkedIn.

#1: Find LinkedIn Posts in Previously Published Content

The first step of creating LinkedIn content is realizing you don’t need to create LinkedIn content. You already have content that could be used on LinkedIn. It just hasn’t been put into a LinkedIn-friendly format. You just need to make your content native to the platform you’re posting on.

This means you don’t want to post a long, all text LinkedIn post to your Instagram stories.

#2: Create Downloadable Documents (Not Opt-In Lead Magnets)

These aren’t lead magnets where users opt-in to your email list to get the resource. You’re just going to give them the resource. This may go against your marketing brain, but the data doesn’t lie.

Two million impressions and over 62,000 link clicks tell us this strategy is working. We’re establishing trust with our audience and showing them how much value we give away for free.

#3: Lean into Employee-Generated Content

Employee-generated content gets higher engagement, follows, and conversions than branded content. Have your company’s leaders explain what employee-generated content is, how it can help the business, and what they’d love to see from employees in the future.

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