Inspire Mandarin podcast

S1E27 A wish list from Apple customers

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In this episode, we will look into a piece of interesting news about what features loyal customers of iPhone would like to see in the future new model.


Words for today:

忠實的 loyal

粉絲 fans

果粉 Apple fans

許願清單 wish list

預測 prediction

特色 feature

瀏海 bangs

額頭 forehead

百分之十五  15%

縮小 minify

解鎖 unlock

疫情 epidemic

口罩 face mask

豆腐頭 Apple charger

充電器 charger

四四方方的 boxy

提供 provide

電池容量 battery capacity

持久 lasting

升級 upgrade

調查 survey


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