Make Some Noise with Andrea Owen podkast

Episode 407: Resilience, Self-Compassion, and Imposter Complex with Rachel Luna

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Returning to the show this week is Rachel Luna. We are talking all about what it means to have resilience, practicing self-compassion, and managing imposter syndrome. I asked Rachel to be a part of the Make Some Noise series because she is simply one of the best hype women I have in my corner and is an equally amazing life coach.  Rachel is a highly sought-after international speaker, Certified Master Neuroscience & Life Coach to 7 + 8-figure earning entrepreneurs, and host of the popular podcast, Permission to Offend which has listeners in over 90 countries around the world. In this episode you’ll hear: Rachel shares her perspective on what it means when a woman is taking up space. (6:51) Find out what Rachel thinks about confidence; plus why confidence always leads back to identity, and staying in integrity. (9:14) Self-confidence vs. confidence, and the biggest mistake people make when they are working on self-confidence. (10:59) Navigating imposter syndrome, “None of us are immune from imposter syndrome, it’s just something we learn to manage over time.” (16:27) Rachel shares her experience with breast cancer and how that led her to practice self-compassion. (24:39) Resilience: knowing and believing that you can get back up. “You can start over any second of the day.” (43:33) “Allowing oneself to make some noise helps us to get to the next level of understanding and growth with one another.” (55:37)   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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