Marathon Running Podcast by Letty and Ryan podkast

213. Running during off-season

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode of the Marathon Running Podcast, we talk to Coach David Levine, the head coach of the LA Roadrunners, about running during the off-season. We explore the importance of base training in marathon preparation and how it builds a strong aerobic foundation for later stages. Coach Levine discusses the key components of an effective base training program, including mileage, long runs, cross-training, and strength training, tailored for different experience levels. He shares strategies for safely increasing weekly mileage to avoid injury, approaches to intensity and pacing, and the role of cross-training. Additionally, he explains how he customizes training plans for runners with varying backgrounds and goals, and how he monitors and adjusts training to ensure progress.

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