WARD RADIO podkast

The Book of Mormon Was Right! Bart D. Ehrman, The Apocrypha, and the Corruption of the Canon...

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

To Pre-Order Jonah's Book, "The Key to the Keystone" visit the following link!: https://tinyurl.com/Key-to-the-Keystone To come to the live event: https://tinyurl.com/Keystone-Event The Corruption of the Canon: A Deep Dive into Ancient Scriptures In this comprehensive video, we tackle the thorny issue of scriptural corruption and its implications for modern Christianity. By examining Jesus' denunciations of the scribes who altered the scriptures, we uncover a history of theological manipulation. The video highlights the importance of apocryphal documents and the Book of Mormon in reclaiming lost truths about ancient Israelite religion. Bart D. Ehrman's scholarly critiques serve as a focal point, revealing unexpected support for the restorationist narrative promoted by Joseph Smith. This video is essential viewing for anyone seeking to understand the deeper layers of religious text and history. 🔍✝️ #JonahBarnesAuthor #CardonEllisHost #ScriptureNotesTrial #BartEhrmanCriticism #DeadSeaScrollsDiscovery #BookOfMormonTruths #ApocryphalDocuments #AncientIsraeliteReligion #ScribesCorruptedCanon #JesusHarshestCondemnations

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