Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur | Start and Grow Your Own Business podkast

851: Storytelling, the power of video, and standing out in a crowded field w/ Bryant Vander Weerd

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Emmy winner and craft beer aficionado Bryant Vanderweerd joins us to share his evolution from TV news to the powerhouse behind Full Pour Media. As the conversation unfolds, you'll be captivated by Bryant's unique blend of storytelling prowess and love for the brewing scene, which has garnered him awards and recognition in the world of video marketing. Our discussion peels back layers of the video production process, revealing how the craft of authentic storytelling can profoundly impact consumer engagement and brand loyalty.

Strap in for an emotional rollercoaster as we navigate the world of video marketing with our heartfelt stories and the faces behind beloved local businesses. Bryant's insights affirm that passion is the ultimate driver of engaging narrative, no matter the industry, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. We unravel the reality that even in a world seemingly ruled by logic, it's the emotional connection and authenticity that reign supreme, making video an indispensable tool for establishing that coveted brand loyalty.

Rounding off our journey, we examine the critical role of video content in scaling businesses, touching on the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship. From overcoming the hurdles of starting up to the resilience required in the face of rejection and financial rollercoasters, Bryant's story is a testament to the power of video in branding. 

Bryant Vander Weerd is the Founder and Creative Director of Full Pour Media, an award-winning creative agency specializing in the food and beverage industry. They work with clients both in US and abroad to plan, produce, and execute marketing and promotional strategies.

Bryant has won three Emmy awards for his work and Full Pour Media has won 9 Craft Beer Marketing Awards for their work in marketing and storytelling.


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