Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur | Start and Grow Your Own Business podkast

842: ACTION SATURDAY (hire tomorrow's leaders w/ Chase Eskelsen)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Unlock the transformative power of entrepreneurship AND education with our special guest from Episode 841, Chase Eskelsen, the visionary behind Fersken Education. In this Action Saturday episode, you'll hear Chase's call to action on how your business can be a catalyst for change while simultaneously benefiting from the fresh energy and innovative minds of college interns. Chase, with his rich experience in scaling educational initiatives, shares his personal success story, illuminating how internships can be a mutually beneficial solution, giving students practical experience and businesses access to top talent without breaking the bank.


Chase Eskelsen M.Ed. spent over a decade in various education positions. He started his education career as an administrator focused on strong operational metrics and scaling full-time, online schools (both charter and district). Upon leaving the school management position he supported nationwide EdTech company with one foot in the academic policy world and the other in government affairs supporting digital educational options. He then served as the Chief Operating Officer of an education nonprofit where he oversaw launching new hybrid schools and supporting the acquisition of educational opportunities until he started Fersken Education in late 2021. FerskenED is a one-stop education consulting firm supporting schools and businesses and edupreneurs through the FerskenED Mastermind.


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