The Body Love Binge - Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast podkast

How to face loved ones after weight gain

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

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In this week's episode, I dives into the challenging topic of facing loved ones after gaining weight while recovering from an eating disorder. I share vulnerable insights into my own journey, along with practical strategies to navigate self-consciousness and fear of judgement.

What you'll learn:

- Ways to practice self-compassion after weight gain

- Tips for setting boundaries with loved ones

- Reframing negative thoughts and old stories

- Living fully now instead of waiting to lose weight

Main Points

- Seek specialised support for binge eating and emotional struggles ❤️

- Replace negative self-talk with kindness and focus on inner qualities

- Accept the reality of weight gain and process difficult emotions

- Ask loved ones not to comment on your body; set boundaries

- Focus on self-care over physical appearance

- Live fully now instead of waiting to lose weight

- Change the narratives you tell yourself about your body

Key Quotes

"I practiced pouring a whole lot of compassion into myself. This wasn't easy as my normal narrative in my head was based in self flagellation." [00:05:28]

"I choose to let go of the attachment to a certain body size. I choose to live my life regardless of whether I like the way my body looks or not." [00:28:33]

"Why not allow yourself to actually fully live? Because if not now, when?" [00:24:41]

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