The Body Love Binge - Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast podkast

Exercise, weight gain & being authentically you with Julia & Victoria

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Join Julia Trehane and Victoria Kleinsman, two ED recovered women, as they have an enlightening discussion around eating disorders and body image. In this candid conversation, they share their personal recovery journeys, insights, and advice for overcoming fears around weight gain and self-acceptance.

Key Discussion Points:

- The importance of self-compassion in recovery

- Letting go of restrictive rules and behaviours

- Not settling for "quasi-recovery"

- Surrendering control and trusting your body's wisdom

Key Quotes:

"When I truly realised that nothing means anything, that the way we feel about, let's say, weight was just a story I'd been told my entire life that I believed." (Julia at 00:01:51)

"Self compassion is the biggest game changer of all." (Victoria at 00:01:18)

"It's not healthy to exercise if you are not fuelling your body. No matter what society says, it's just not." (Victoria at 00:31:02)

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