Unapologetically Abundant podkast

Embracing Your Holistic Journey with Kate Macri

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Hello, beautiful Abundant Souls! Welcome to another inspiring episode of Unapologetically Abundant Podcast. Today, I'm thrilled to share a conversation with Kate, a certified holistic life coach and meditation teacher whose holistic approach to life deeply resonates with me. We connected on Threads and instantly vibed over our shared passion for living intentionally and embracing the holistic way of life.


Kate helps people tap into their true potential, be present in the moment, and truly realize who they came here to be. In our chat, we discuss the importance of disconnecting from social media to reconnect with ourselves and nature, emphasizing the need to be fully present to achieve true fulfillment. Kate shares her journey from a draining corporate job to becoming a holistic life coach, inspired by her personal transformation through holistic practices. She emphasizes looking at the whole picture of who we are—mind, body, and soul.


About Kate:

Kate is a certified holistic life coach and meditation teacher. She has a passion for helping others create a more fulfilling life and guiding them on a journey of rediscovery to connect with their true, authentic selves. Kate teaches her clients to prioritize their holistic wellbeing, including mind, body, and soul. How you show up for yourself is how you show up for everything in life. She believes everyone has a unique gift and purpose in this life that should be explored and shared. 


Kate’s passions include being creative, being in nature, appreciating every moment she has with loved ones, and spending time with her fiancé and their three huskies. 


Website / Social Media Handles:

IG: @katemacri_ 



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Thank you so much for your love and support!! 


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