Ukraine the Possible podkast

The environmental impact of Russia's war against Ukraine

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

The war that Russia is waging against Ukraine has a colossal human cost. But behind the human tragedy, one can also see the terrible damage to the environment. Thousands of species suffer from the destruction and pollution of war, and the scars from combat operations will remain for decades. The destruction of the Kakhovka dam by the Russian army led to an ecocide that unfolded over huge territories. Even more dangerous could be nuclear contamination, which could occur due to Russian nuclear terrorism at the captured nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Authored by Vitalii Atanasov. He is a journalist and researcher, editor of Digital Capitalism and Internet Utopias, author of “Anthropogen” podcast. Lives in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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