UI Breakfast: UI/UX Design and Product Strategy podkast

Episode 286: Experience-led Branding with Doug Hughmanick

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

How does experience-led branding help big companies create memorable products? Our guest today is Doug Hughmanick, Head of Creative and founder of ANML. You’ll learn how big brands think about user experience, why learning motion skills could be helpful for designers, some practical tips for applying experience-led branding, and more.

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Show Notes

This episode is brought to you by Wix Studio — the new web platform for agencies and enterprises. The magic of Wix Studio is its advanced design capabilities which makes website creation efficient and intuitive. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Work in sync with your team on one canvas
  • Reuse templates, widgets and sections across sites
  • Create a client kit for seamless handovers
  • And leverage best-in-class SEO defaults across all your Wix sites

Step into Wix Studio to see more at wix.com/studio

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