True Crime New England podkast

Episode 175: Nathaniel Bar-Jonah

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
On this week’s episode of True Crime New England, Katie and Liz discuss the life and crimes of serial child molester and potential murderer, Nathaniel Bar-Jonah. As a kid, Bar-Jonah began luring younger children into secluded places and molesting them, and eventually escalated to using his massive weight to attempt to suffocate the children. After being in a mental hospital for over eleven years, Bar-Jonah narrowly avoided more jail time by agreeing to move to Montana, where he continued to molest young boys. Bar-Jonah is suspected in the abduction of 10-year-old Zachary Ramsey, who has never been found, as well as the disappearances and murders of several other children. There is also disturbing evidence pointing towards cannibalism.

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