The Tore Says Show podkast

Fri 26 Jul, 2024: Big Diversions - Budgeting Illegals - Distraction Traction - Real Deep State - Crypt Guardians - Fed Entrapment - Interview with Eric J. Molitor

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

When it's the same operation over and over again, people catch on. Trying to make narrative building look fresh and new is hard. The agency is no longer writing scripts. Yes, it was even commercials too. The media are weapons of war. There's a division devoted to meme warfare. Harris has a VP list. Paraphrasing so as not to burn sources. It was a strategic Vance appointment. Focusing on Kamm's negative impact. Welcoming America brings in illegal migrants. City budges gravely corrupted. J6 was a media operation using familiar right and left assets. J13 was similar. We The People are now the news. Protecting the crypt of the old guard. Delegates are secured and Act Blue is making moves. It all started in 2004 with Karl Rove. No Kamala, no money. Don't get on her plane. FBI militia setups. When courts are used as weapons against citizens. Who controls the jury wheel selection software? Attorney's must abide by the bar rules. When states and feds team up to entrap citizens. Falsely accused and forced to face both Nessel and Whitmer. An interview with Eric J. Molitor. It's all about faith. We must wear it like armor.

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