CTG's Threat Intelligence Podcast podkast

AI and the Art of Deception: Unveiling the Truth Behind Disinformation Campaigns

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In our time, information is power, and artificial intelligence can become a great tool to improve our use and of information, but also to manipulate it. The increasing role of AI-enabled tools that blur the distinction between reality and fiction is worrisome, and AI-driven disinformation may be reshaping our understanding of truth. Can the electoral and democratic processes that we engage in our daily lives could be threatened by the use of AI? How do threat actors actually employ it? Who is behind disinformation campaigns on social media platforms? In this episode, Janthe Van Schaik joins Arnold Koch to help us uncover the dynamics of AI disinformation campaigns, the tools used by threat actors, and what we can do to counter them.

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