Thoughtful Money with Adam Taggart podkast

Get Ready For A Falling Dollar. It Will Change Everything | Tavi Costa

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The US dollar has been very strong for several years now. Among other implications, capital from the rest of the world has flooded into US stocks as a result.Today’s guest predicts that for many reasons, especially America’s need to get bond yields lower in order to make its debt more serviceable, the dollar will fall materially over the coming year.If that happens, it will likely be unfavorable for US stocks, but add a tailwind to other assets, some trading at attractive discounts todaySo where do the best opportunities lie for investors?To find out, we turn to macro and commodities expert Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital.TIME'S RUNNING OUT! BUY YOUR TICKET AT THE EARLY BIRD PRICE FOR OUR MARCH 15 CONFERENCE at

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