This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro podkast

Zen and The Art of Computer Upcycling

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the time when I decided to upcycle my old, obsolete MacBook Pro, and turn it into something useful with a free, open-source Linux operating system. The good news is; it works! I had some glitches along the way, and the journey from old to "new" was a little frustrating. But honestly; the main reason it was a problem for me is that I decided to mess with it after I already had it up and running. It really was one of those deals where "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". But, in the end; I got it sorted, and I learned a whole lot of really useful information along the way. So, even if it seems a little daunting at first; you can be successful as well, if you are careful, curious, and motivated to make it work. By the way, it works for both PC's and Macs, so really no matter what kind of computer you have; there's a way to get it done–if you have the patience and perseverance to doggedly pursue your goal. Find out how you can save money, and keep your currently pretty useless old computer out of the landfill for at least a few more years. Listen now.

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