This Matters podkast

In Toronto, “love wins” (but traffic still sucks)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Guest: Olivia Chow, mayor of Toronto

One year ago, Olivia Chow was elected mayor of Toronto in a victory that signalled optimism in a city where that seemed in short supply. As we approach the annual Pride parade and the Canada Day long weekend (and after a marathon city council meeting), Chow reflects on what she’s proudest of and what has been most challenging so far. She also talks about the difficulty of moving people faster, why she thinks she’s been misunderstood on whether workers should come back to the office, the controversy over Sankofa Square, and what the city can and cannot do regarding the fate of the Ontario Science Centre. Plus, Chow discusses why she thinks the rental housing measures passed this week are kind of a big deal.

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