This Is Small Business: Behind the Buy podkast

How Podcasting Can Grow Your Business and Increase Revenue – with Hala Taha

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Ever wondered how podcasting can help you grow your business? Just ask Hala Taha, the host of the Young and Profiting (YAP) podcast and the founder of YAP Media Network and YAP Media, who knows all the podcasting secrets that’ll help you get big. Hala aka the Podcast Princess shares her own entrepreneurial journey and reveals the secrets behind her rapid growth, including how she harnessed LinkedIn for visibility and used creative strategies to break through the podcasting noise. 

Learn how to start your podcast, different monetization options, and why you should be advertising your business on podcasts. 

In this episode, you’ll learn: 


(01:38) How Hala went from a corporate marketing role to founding a leading podcast network in just two years.

(03:20) Hala’s game-changing LinkedIn tactics that increased her podcast’s visibility and engagement.

(05:04) How Hala used her LinkedIn presence to grow on other platforms.

(06:40) How Hala leveraged her podcast as a lead generation tool and built a successful social media agency from it.

(08:48) Why podcasting can help you grow your business.

(10:20) The three key components for a successful podcast: being searchable, designing an eye-catching cover, and utilizing platforms like TikTok and YouTube.

(11:28) How to advertise your business on other podcasts.

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