This Is Hardcore Podcast podkast

Episode 162 James Aloisio of Ends Of Sanity and Unchained Mgmt.

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Episode 162 James Aloisio.of Ends Of Sanity and Unchained Mgmt. We had James on earlier this year to talk about Overcome Fest but I wanted more time to go over his story. From Long Island and some early bands, he would rise to be one of the more influential behind the scenes booking agent and later manager to some of the most talked about Hardcore and Punk bands of the current day. This is a great story about just finding opportunities, growing as a person and learning new skills and having the balls to give up a day job and just go for it. Opening Track of the Episode Hollow Ground "Disgraced

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