This Is Hardcore Podcast podkast

Episode 161 Melissa Mastrangelo of Denied and All Shall Suffer

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Episode 161 Melissa Mastrangelo of Denied and All Shall Suffer Melissa grew up in Queens at a perfect time for find herself at the beginning of a new age of NYHC. From Bulldoze to Denied and others, the beginning of a heavier focus brought about the foundation of what alot of modern hardcore kids and bands are focused on, the "Beatdown" sound. Her story is awesome and she is at the right place at the right time for so many great moments. She has been a high school teacher for years but found time to start All Shall Suffer around the pandemic years and is playing This Is Hardcore this summer with Denied as part of their Reunion. This is a fun conversation and lots of great memories come back having her on the show. Opening Track of The Episode False Salvation " Downward Pressure" Rebirth Records Guest Intro by Jess Riley Rest In Peace Lil Gregg Hayward

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