Thicc Radio podkast

DTT: Mistaken Identities (w/zaftigspice, gwrychpiggy, & hungry.hungryhimbo)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

This week, with a selection of guests, we discuss the impact of mislabeling folk in the gainer community. How does it feel to be a gainer relegated to the encourager box? Or a fat civilian called a gainer? What is the true power of our words?

Who are we? We're James and Tim; two gainers who want to explore everything about gaining and feedism. New episodes will come out every Tuesday, so please subscribe! Rate us five stars, leave us a review, donate to support us and share this episode with your friends. You can find us on our socials below if you want to contact us, but until next time, bye fats!


  • Instagram: s.t.a.n.n.u.m
  • BlueSky:


  • Instagram: thickey_mouse
  • Grommr: orpheus
  • Twitter: thickey_mouse
  • YouTube: thickey_mouse
  • TikTok: thickey_mouse

Special Guest | Paul

  • Instagram: zaftigspice
  • TikTok: zaftigspice

Special Guest | Elle

  • Grommr: gwrychpiggy
  • Instagram: gwrychpiggy
  • Twitter: gwrychpiggy

Special Guest | Josh

  • Instagram: hungry.hungryhimbo
  • Grommr: whyhellohairy

Thicc Radio

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