The World of Eora: an Avowed + Pillars of Eternity Lore Podcast podkast

Ep. #102: Inquisitor Lödwyn & The Steel Garrote

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

The World of Eora is a news & lore podcast about the fantasy setting created by Obsidian Entertainment for their cRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, and their upcoming action RPG: Avowed.

This week's episode focuses on Inquisitor Lödwyn, and the paladin order she helps lead, the Steel Garotte. Most of the lore will be about the Paladin order, but we tie it back to the Inquisitor. This lore is also associated to the goddess of Law, Woedica; and the empire of Aedyr. All of which is discussed (a bit) and speculated upon for Avowed. For instance...why did Obsidian choose The Steel Garrote over all the other potential factions? Did they need a Woedican faction? And Aedyran-origin faction? Who knows...

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