The Workplace Podcast in association with YellowWood podkast

Episode 88: Gravitas strengths that define confidence with Lisa Sun

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Lisa Sun is the founder and CEO of GRAVITAS, a company on a mission to catalyze confidence. GRAVITAS offers innovative size-inclusive apparel, styling solutions, and content designed to make over women from the inside out. In this episode our host William Corless and Lisa Sun discuss the core concepts of Gravitas, Self-Belief, Self confidence, Self assurance, Self worth. Also in this episode we learn how to channel your superpowers and discover your confidence language. We discuss what gets in peoples way and explore the 8 strengths: Leading, performing, achieving, giving, knowing, creating, believing, self sustaining.


Check out Lisa Sun's website:

**Take the Confidence Language quiz in Chapter 3—** 

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