The Workplace Podcast in association with YellowWood podkast

Episode 86: High Performers with Dr. Ruth Gotian

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Dr. Ruth Gotian, Chief Learning Officer at Weill Cornell Medicine, is a global expert in mentorship and leadership development. Recognized by Nature and Columbia University, she's ranked among the top 20 mentors worldwide and named to the Thinkers50 Radar List. Recently winning the Thinkers50 Distinguished Achievement "Radar" Award, she's the #1 emerging management thinker globally. A semi-finalist for Forbes 50 Over 50, she contributes to Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Psychology Today on 'optimizing success.' Her research, featured in her book "The Success Factor," explores the mindset and skill set of peak performers, from Nobel laureates to Olympic champions. Find out more about Ruth at

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