The Workplace Podcast in association with YellowWood podkast

Episode 84: Emerging Leaders with Eddie Turner

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Join us in this episode as we delve into the world of leadership with Eddie Turner, a Harvard-trained leadership development expert and Principal Consultant at Linkage, a SHRM company. Eddie is on a mission to "Change the Face of Leadership" and contribute to creating "Better Workplaces and a Better World"™. Discover how he accelerates the development of leaders using the Linkage Purposeful Leadership® framework and his deep expertise in various disciplines, recognized globally as one of the Top 10 Motivational Speakers and the Preeminent Authority on Emerging Leaders by Forbes. Explore his media presence in outlets like the Wall Street Journal and his role as a former host of the Keep Leading!® podcast.

Learn about his best-selling book, "140 Simple Messages to Guide Emerging Leaders," and his co-authorship in "The Light Book 2." Discover Eddie's contributions to organizations like 100 Coaches and the Institute of Coaching. Don't miss this insightful episode offering valuable perspectives on leadership and the transformative journey of emerging leaders.

Connect with Eddie on his personal website

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