The Thorne Podcast podkast

Podcast Rewind: All About the Menstrual Cycle

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Just how regular is a regular menstrual cycle? And when is the best time to get pregnant? Dr. Amy Divaraniya, CEO and founder of Oova, a women’s health and fertility hormone testing company, explains how a woman’s menstrual cycle is more than her period.

During this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Amy Divaraniya, CEO and founder of Oova [0:58]
  • The data missing from the field of women’s health [2:08]
  • What is an irregular menstrual cycle? What is a regular menstrual cycle? [2:39]
  • How does the body known when to menstruate? The menstrual cycle explained [4:57]
    • What Oova measures during the menstrual cycle [8:05]
  • What is PCOS? What does Oova’s data tells us about women with PCOS? [9:05]
  • How data tracking helps us understand PMS [12:39]
  • What disrupts a menstrual cycle? [14:38]
  • Health data vs. actionable health data [16:36]
  • Questions from the community
    • Do women’s menstrual cycles synchronize when living together? [19:30]
    • Why does cycle length change every month? How does stress delay a period? [20:36]
    • Can we predict how many menstrual cycles a woman will have in her lifetime? [22:10]
    • Why do some girls start having periods earlier than others? Does an early puberty mean early menopause? [22:57]
    • What’s the best age to get pregnant? [24:30]
    • What long-term effects do oral contraceptives have on menstruation? [27:58]
    • Can you have sex during your period? [31:14]

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