The TEC Talk Podcast: Presented by Natural Encounters, Inc. podkast

Episode 223: Many Questions for Many People with Many Microphones (Live from the 2024 Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Field Trip to NEI)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Earlier this month, NEI had the priviledge of hosting the students and staff of Santa Fe College's Zoo Technology Program for an all-day field trip to our home base facility (aka "The Ranch) in Winter Haven, FL, and leave it to us to find a way to turn it into a podcast. This week's episode is the Q&A panel that Chris hosted, featuring Steve Martin, Clarie Santiago, Brad Moore, DonnaSue Evans, and Sage Treloar answering questions from our visitors. We covered a lot in just about 30 minutes, and despite some challenges with the recorded audio we think there's a little something in here for everyone. 

If you have a shout-out you’d like us to share, a question or a topic you’d like us to discuss, or a suggestion for a guest we should have on the show, let us know at [email protected]!

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