Talent Development Hot Seat podcast podkast

Reskilling the Future: Sustaining Talent in a Shrinking Workforce with Klaus Scheile

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Today we're diving deep into the pressing issues surrounding the future of the workforce with special guest, Klaus Scheile. Klaus is the Vice President of Global Learning and Development at T Systems, a division of Deutsche Telekom, and he brings a wealth of knowledge on sustainable people development, upskilling, and reskilling employees.

In this episode, we tackle:

  • The challenges posed by an aging workforce and declining birth rates, which lead to a shrinking talent pool
  • The impacts of AI and automation on white-collar jobs, and why it's more critical than ever for companies to retain and develop talent to survive and thrive
  • Insights into how T Systems has successfully implemented a digitized reskilling program, certified 10,000 future skills, and navigated the complexities of identifying necessary skills with the help of big data and AI.

You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at T Systems' innovative approaches to upskilling and reskilling, including their structured learning programs and government-supported funding. We'll also discuss the impressive results they've achieved, including increased productivity, profit per person, and a remarkably high return on investment.

Klaus is on a mission to make people remarkable, growing the skills and the talent T-Systems needs.

As a partner to the business, he reimagines learning strategies from upskilling, re-skilling, career mobility, talent acquisition to the self learning organization.

Klaus is passionate about the experience of learning, creating learning journeys that are amazing – and deliver on their promise. Such as the digitize program – a program that delivered over 10.000 future skills for T-Systems.

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