Talent Development Hot Seat podcast podkast

Bonus Q&A with Inga Staniune

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this bonus Q&A with Inga, she shares:

  1. Her proudest moment and biggest failure in her career so far
  2. A trend that she is following in Talent Development right now
  3. The biggest challenge she sees in Talent Development today
  4. Books that have made a big impact on her life
  5. One piece of career advice she has for you

Inga Staniune is a visionary CHRO known for her innovative approach to cultivating self-awareness in leadership. Passionate about talent development, Inga stands out for her dedication to helping leaders and employees alike enhance their self-awareness, an essential foundation for outstanding leadership and career growth. Her methodology emphasizes the power of self-reflection—a simple yet often overlooked practice. Inga’s insights have made a significant impact, inspiring organizations to integrate self-awareness practices into their talent development strategies, ultimately fostering stronger personal brands and more effective leaders.

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