The Story Craft Cafe Podcast podkast

Wordsmith Workshop: Leveling Up Your Mindset Workshop With Michael La Ronn | SCC 162

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Michael La Ronn talks about how you can be the most productive and creative by making adjustments to your mindset, and accomplish more than you thought possible.   Guest workshops like Michael La Ronn's Level-Up Your Author Mindset are just one of the great new features we're bringing to Dabble Premium for now extra cost. The Dabble Premium experience isn't just about providing the world's best novel-writing platform, but we're there to help you achieve your author dreams with resources and events like:
  • Workshops and guest speakers
  • Live Office Hours
  • Opportunities for personalized feedback
  • Deep-dive articles and custom resources for serious authors
If you want to take your writing to the next level, check out all Dabble Premium has to offer:  

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