Sourcing Industry Landscape podkast

Revolutionizing Procurement: An Interview with Tonkean's Sagi Eliyahu on the Enterprise Co-Pilot

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this podcast episode, Dawn Tiura interviews Sagi Eliyahu, the co-founder and CEO of Tonkean, about their new offering called Tonkean Enterprise Co-Pilot. This AI-powered tool is designed to enhance the value of intake and orchestration in procurement processes. Sagi explains, that unlike other AI tools that focus on specific tasks or chatbot functionalities, Tonkean Enterprise Co-Pilot provides a cohesive suite of capabilities that automate and streamline the entire procurement process. It integrates with existing systems and policies, pulls information from different sources, and automates tasks, allowing users to focus on higher-value work. The tool is ready for use and has already shown significant success in cutting down procurement cycles and increasing efficiency. 

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