The Small & Supercharged Podcast podkast

PR, press days, parenting and pride- building Bloxham PR (and building your brand) with Kaylie Bloxham

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

The world of PR is constantly evolving. Not all that long ago, it was all about press releases and building relationships with traditional media, whereas now it's this alongside social media, influencers, events, content creation and a lot more. To survive, let alone thrive, agencies need to adapt, and Bloxham PR, lead by founder Kaylie Bloxham, is one that has pivoted, adapted and grown in a constantly evolving climate.

On today's episode, Kaylie talks about the Bloxham journey, growing a team, highs and lows, juggling motherhood and business, events, long term relationships and also shares some brilliant tips for brands dipping their toes into the world of PR.

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