The Sandman: Dreamcast podkast

The Gray World of Half Sleep

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In this episode, visionary author Neil Gaiman introduces The Sandman: Dreamcast to listeners and helps them begin their journey into the Dreaming. For an enhanced dreaming experience, we recommend listening in a calm, cozy environment.   The Sandman: Dreamcast is a companion audio experience to The Sandman coming to Netflix August 5, 2022. The experience does not contain spoilers so enjoy whenever a moment away from the waking world is needed.   Podcast Credits Produced by: Bankrobber Projects Sound Design: Sounds Delicious Recorded at: Dreamland Studios (New York, Wave Studios (London), Just For The Record Studios (Los Angeles) Special Thanks to: Neil Gaiman

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