"The Riff" with Byrne Hobart and Erik Torenberg podkast

E42: Navigating Tech Antitrust and the Future of AI

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On this week’s episode of The Riff, Byrne Hobart and Erik Torenberg discuss tricky antitrust decisions, Balaji’s Network State, the dynamics of content moderation, and more. 🔥Apply to join over 400 founders and execs in the Turpentine Network: https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj --- RECOMMENDED PODCASTS: 🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics. Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/id1765665937 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast-- --- SPONSORS: BABBEL: 🌐 Ready to achieve your 2024 goals? Start learning a new language with Babbel in just three weeks. Enjoy app lessons, live classes, and podcasts designed for real-world conversations. Get up to 60% off at babbel.com/zen BRAVE: Get first-party targeting with Brave’s private ad platform: cookieless and future proof ad formats for all your business needs. Performance meets privacy. Head to https://brave.com/brave-ads/ and mention “Turpentine” when signing up for a 25% discount on your first campaign. --- LINKS: Byrne’s writing: https://thediff.co --- X / TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ByrneHobart (Byrne) https://twitter.com/TurpentineMedia (Turpentine) --- TIMESTAMPS: (00:00) Intro (00:23) Paradox of antitrust in tech (03:00) Consumer welfare vs. market dominance (09:48) Lina Khan (13:29) Sponsors: Babbel | Brave (15:53) Corporate social responsibility and privatization (20:28) AI trust and the impact of fake content (26:48) Technical inputs into AI  (31:40) Absurdity heuristic  (32:24) Exploring intangible capital (39:05) Network States and organizational challenges (48:13) Politics and social media dynamics (55:34) Conservative and progressive elites (01:00:26) Wrap

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