The Return: Property & Investment Podcast podkast

What you need to know but were afraid to ask about retirement planning and pensions with Kia Commodore, founder of Pennies to Pounds

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Kia Commodore founded financial education platform Pennies to Pounds at the age of 21, when she realised there was a major gap in her own knowledge: money matters.

She has since grown a significant social following and worked with the likes of Barclays, Natwest, Santander and Legal and General, the BBC and the Financial Times on her mission to demystify personal finance. 

So she was the perfect candidate to discuss the things you need to know but were afraid to ask about retirement planning and pensions, as part of our series on ‘How to make the most of your money’ sponsored by Cohort Invest.

We covered topics including:

  • Why you can’t just rely on the state pension and auto enrollment
  • How to take control of your financial future and get start planning for your retirement
  • How to avoid common mistakes, and why now is the time to start thinking about pensions, if you haven’t already 
  • The tax benefits of diverting income to your pension
  • De-mystifying the jargon, from triple lock to SIPPs
  • My personal favourite: FIRE, and how to be part of this global movement.

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