The Return: Property & Investment Podcast podkast

Retail, real estate and Build to Rent with Katherine Russell, Director of Build to Rent at the John Lewis Partnership and Anna Clare Harper

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

I had the chance to chat with Katherine Russell, Director of Build to Rent at the John Lewis Partnership about retail, real estate and Build to Rent.

Topics included:

  • The journey that the John Lewis Partnership - better known for homewares than housing - has been on with real estate generally, and residential property specifically, from owning ‘tops above shops’ to Build to Rent

  • Lessons learned through John Lewis’s Real Estate Portfolio, the New West End Company’s (a partnership of 600 West End-based businesses) Advisory Board and Dolphin Living (an independent charity with an endowment of £120m to provide affordable homes for Londoners)

  • What next for Build to Rent and the UK Private Rental Sector

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