The Rebel Author Podcast podkast

244 How to Be a Productive Writer with Kathryn Burnett

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Episode Show Notes

In this episode we cover: 

  • Myths around productivity in the indie community
  • How to assess our own productivity
  • Explaining procrastination with neuroscience
  • Offsetting common distractions that writers face
  • The importance of resilience for writers of all levels

Find out more about Kathryn:

The Productive Writer Guidebook

The Productive Writer Guidebook on Amazon

Kathryn's Website



Rebel of the Week is: Chris

If you’d like to be a Rebel of the week please do send in your story, it can be any kind of rebellion. You can email your rebel story to [email protected]

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