The Plant Centered and Thriving Podcast podkast

Why does it take something extreme like a parent being diagnosed with a horrible disease to finally shake us up enough to change our lifestyle? My guest, Mandy, went vegan 20 years ago for this very reason.

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

"I never have to worry about what I’m eating"

The guests that join me every week come from all walks of life. They all get to this common place of plant-based eating, but each one arrives for very different reasons. Some are inspired by documentaries, some by the animals, some have no choice and need to change their own health. 

My guest today, Mandy, started her vegan journey 20 years ago with the revelation of her father's Parkinson's diagnosis, a moment that reshaped her world.

Resources from this Episode:

Skinny Bitch
Vegan Freak

If you want to connect with Mandy, visit the following:
Facebook: @MandyOrnstein

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Plant Centered Nutrition Essential Resources:

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