The Nietzsche Podcast podkast

105: Arthur Machen - The Great God Pan

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Samhain is fast approaching, and this week we're going to have two spooky episodes of the podcast. This episode will be a philosophical exploration of the significance of Arthur Machen's weird fiction/horror novella, "The Great God Pan". While I'd originally planned this for the second leg of the season, we're interrupting The Gay Science readthrough for the sake of the holiday, and because this story brings together many of the elements that we've discussed so far this season, namely: madness, the horror of science, the gulf between appearance and reality, and the Dionysian reaching out from ages past to disturb the modern world. Join me for a romp through the woods with our new friends Helen, and The Great God Pan!

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