The Higher Self Hotline podkast

Angels, Intuition & The New Earth: A Divine Conversation with Kyle Gray

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

#270 Have you ever felt a presence you couldn’t explain? A knowing deep in your bones that something unseen was guiding you? Maybe it was an angel, a sign, or a whisper from the universe nudging you toward your highest path. We’re peeling back the veil with someone who has been tuning into divine messages since childhood, the amazing Kyle Gray. From angelic encounters to the unseen forces shaping our lives, this episode is a journey into the mystical, the magical, and the deeply personal.

What’s Inside This Episode?

  • Kyle’s first spiritual encounter at just four years old and how it shaped his path
  • The truth about angels: Do they appear to us, or do we have to call on them?
  • The changing landscape of spirituality and what the “New Earth” really means
  • How to embrace the spiritual gifts we’ve been given, even when they make us feel different

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Thank you for tuning in to the Higher Self Hotline. I know this conversation was meant for you. Whether you’re deep in your spiritual practice or just starting to explore, you’re exactly where you need to be. Thank you for showing up, for listening, and for being part of this community.


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Audio Editing by: Mike Sims 


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