The Aerospace Advantage podkast

Episode 210 — Compass Call: Understanding the Technical State of the Art

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Episode Summary:

In this Aerospace Advantage episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney continues the electronic attack conversation with Dave Harrold and Duane Beaulieu of BAE, plus Mitchell Institute’s Mike Dahm. Electronic Attack is an essential twenty-first century mission capability.

The ability to disrupt enemy command, control, communications, radars, and navigation systems allows U.S. forces to maintain a decision advantage, while denying one to the adversary. It all comes down to maintaining a leading electromagnetic-based battlespace capability. The Compass Call system, currently hosted on the EC-130H, executes this mission. It will soon migrate to the EA-37B.  We explore this transition by discussing where the mission has been and where it’s going from a technical perspective. We also explain what it means to secure an electronic attack advantage in the modern era and why this is imperative. Learn more about this crucial mission from the experts developing the essential technology.


Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Producer: Shane Thin 

Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey

Guest: J. Michael "JDAM" Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Guest: Dave Harrold, Vice President & General Manager, Countermeasure & Electromagnetic Attack Solutions, BAE Systems

Guest: Duane Beaulieu, Tech Director, BAE Systems

Testimony transcript


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